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Nightmares & Lullabies



“Nightmares & Lullabies” is an audience interactive sound installation and a live performance which explores and documents themes of performance anxiety, dreams, mental health and artistic process.


total time is 2:55'



Queering the Archive: Electric Bach & Ysaye | Oct 14, 2022

Indexical, Santa Cruz, CA | Performer & Electronics Composer


A muted violin signal is fed through automated and pre-programmed digital effects meant to highlight, distort, delay, break apart, and queer the phrases and gestures of traditional compositions often studied within elitist and patriarchal frameworks


This video is already excerpted, total time is 3:39'



Finale, The Length of This Gap | Sept 1, 2018

Splinter Collective | Tucson, AZ | Performer & Composer


Composed evening of all original music set to text from Kristen Nelson's Length of this Gap. Featuring: 


Kristen E. Nelson, spoken word

Joanna Smith, ariel silks

Erin Henderson, vocals


Suggested viewing 5:10 - 7:30'



The Grief Manuscript | March 2021

Tucson, AZ | Director/Video & Audio Editor/Score Composer


Collaborative short multi-media film inviting submissions from artists nationally, based on text from Elizabeth Frankie Rollins (Prof. of English, Pima Community College), Art Direction by Cyane Tornatszky (Prof. of Digital Arts, Fort Collins University)


Featured selection at Creation in Isolation, Ground Works Art show,

Blacklidge Community Collective


Suggested viewing 00:00-01:28' + 06:26-8:30'


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